I will be happily closing out a very mild winter this weekend and looking forward to the spring and all that comes with it!
I spent a good deal of time this week working from my home studio. After all the new upgrades, etc. that I made to the City studio over the Christmas break, I came to realize just how important and somewhat difficult it can be to keep 2 full studios up and running in sync with each other!
The good news is the tracks are all sounding great and I managed to get through the required technical downtime and maintenance and all is better for it…
While on the tech side I must mention how much I love the Steven Slate plugins. Damn… He and his team are really, really on it:-) I just downloaded the new guitar plugs and was really impressed! This coming from someone who builds my own guitar amplifiers and has owned more than I care to share and as someone who owns a Kemper profiling amp…

On the work front (work is a strong word), I finished up and got final approval on a few commercials that have been in the works over the last few weeks and continued working on tracks for the young artist coming from Switzerland in a few weeks.
The fantastic Jeffrey Wilgus was in the studio and we started on a fun new song as well. We also got to catch up on some vintage country listening and some classic Loretta Lynn tracks:-)

Now back to arranging that big band…

Enjoy the weekend and the Oscars…
